lunedì 8 marzo 2010

Omnia in bonum

« “You gave Adam his choice,” Satan scoffed. “And what a choice he made! He chose me. Ever since the fruit was plucked from the tree in the Garden, I’ve held Your children captive. They fell. Fast. Hard. They are mine. You have failed. Heh-heh-heh.”
“You speak so confidently,” replied the Father, astounding me with His patience.
Lucifer stepped forward, his cloak dragging behind him. “Of course! I thwart everything You do! You soften hearts, I harden them. You teach truth, I shadow it. You offer joy, I steal it.”
He pivoted and paraded around the room, boasting of his deeds. “The betrayal of Joseph by his brothers – I did that. Moses banished to the desert after killing the Egyptian – I did that. David watching Bathsheba bathe – that was me. You must admit, my work has been crafty.”
“Crafty? Perhaps. But effective? No. I know what you will do even before you do it. I used the betrayal of Joseph to deliver My people from famine. Your banishment of Moses became his wilderness training. And yes, David did commit adultery with Bathsheba – but he repented of his sin! And thousands have been inspired by his example and found what he found – unending grace. Your deceptions have only served as platforms for My mercy. [...] When will you learn? Your feeble attempts to disturb My work only enable My work.

(Max Lucado, An Angel’s story – The first Christmas from Heaven’s view)

1 commento:

1sorriso.. ha detto...

A volte è veramente difficile e sembra impossibile possa essere così; ma credo che anche dietro il dolore, la tristezza, la fatica, .. ci sia un disegno più grande che un giorno ci sarà rivelato.